
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination is unavailable, but you can change that!

The doctrine of predestination—as controversial as it is—has received comparatively little thoughtful attention, and is rarely understood even in Reformed circles. It is a doctrine, however, contained in the creeds of confessions of most evangelical churches, and Christians would do well to explore it more thoughtfully. The tendency of our enlightened age is to look upon Calvinism as outdated...

to create involved also a determination of all the actual results of that creation; or, in other words, God decreed those results.”1 Foreknowledge must not be confused with foreordination. Foreknowledge presupposes foreordination, but is not itself foreordination. The actions of free agents do not take place because they are foreseen, but they are foreseen because they are certain to take place. Hence Strong says, “Logically, though not chronologically, decree comes before foreknowledge. When I say,
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